[an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Pegasus CIM Object Broker Documentation

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

[an error occurred while processing this directive]



o Introduction
o Objectives
o Overview
o Credits
o Pegasus Architecture
   o Design Goals
   o The Broker
   o Pegasus Providers.
   o Extension Services
   o Pegasus Clients.
   o Functional Flow
o Pegasus Components
   o Component Descriptions
   o Pegasus Directory Structure
o Pegasus Utilization
   o Pegasus Availability
   o Pegasus Installation
   o Pegasus Operation
   o Pegasus CIM Clients
   o Pegasus Providers
   o Pegasus MOF Compiler
o Programming Pegasus
   o CIM Objects in Pegasus
   o CIM Object Table
   o Class Definitions
o Pegasus Interfaces
   o CIM Operations over HTTP
   o Pegasus Client Interfaces
   o Pegasus Provider Interfaces
   o Pegasus Service Extension Interfaces
   o Repository Interfaces
o Writing Providers.
o Glossary
o Pegasus Code Examples
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   o Client Coding Examples
   o Provider Coding Examples
o Document References
o Pegausus FAQ
In file ../../src/Pegasus/Common/CIMValue.h:


The CIMValue class represents a value of any of the CIM data types.


The CIMValue class represents a value of any of the CIM data types. This class encapsulates a union which holds value of any CIMType. A type field indicates the type of the value.

WARNING: The returned value of CIMValue get(returnValue) is never nodified when a CIMValue is null (i.e. isNull() == true). An isNull() test should be executed before executing any CIMValue get(...) if there is any question of a possible null value and you are not sure of the value in the returned variable.


Public Methods

[more] CIMValue ()
Constructs a null CIMValue with type Boolean and isArray=false
[more] CIMValue (CIMType type, Boolean isArray, Uint32 arraySize = 0)
Constructs a null CIMValue object with the specified type and array indicator.
[more] CIMValue (Boolean x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (Uint8 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (Sint8 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (Uint16 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (Sint16 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (Uint32 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (Sint32 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (Uint64 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (Sint64 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (Real32 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (Real64 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Char16& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const String& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const CIMDateTime& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const CIMObjectPath& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const CIMObject& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const CIMInstance& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<Boolean>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<Uint8>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<Sint8>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<Uint16>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<Sint16>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<Uint32>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<Sint32>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<Uint64>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<Sint64>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<Real32>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<Real64>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<Char16>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<String>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<CIMDateTime>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<CIMObjectPath>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<CIMObject>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<CIMInstance>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
[more] CIMValue (const CIMValue& x)
Constructs a CIMValue by copying another CIMValue object.
[more] ~CIMValue ()
Destructs a CIMValue object
[more]CIMValue& operator= (const CIMValue& x)
Assigns the value from a specified CIMValue object.
[more]void assign (const CIMValue& x)
Assigns the value from a specified CIMValue object.
[more]void clear ()
Resets to a null value with type Boolean and isArray=false
[more]Boolean typeCompatible (const CIMValue& x) const
Compares the type and isArray attributes with a specified CIMValue.
[more]Boolean isArray () const
Indicates whether the value is an array.
[more]Boolean isNull () const
Indicates whether the value is null.
[more]Uint32 getArraySize () const
Gets the fixed array size of a CIMValue.
[more]CIMType getType () const
Gets the value type.
[more]void setNullValue (CIMType type, Boolean isArray, Uint32 arraySize = 0)
Sets the value to null with the specified type and array indicator.
[more]void set (Boolean x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (Uint8 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (Sint8 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (Uint16 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (Sint16 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (Uint32 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (Sint32 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (Uint64 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (Sint64 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (Real32 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (Real64 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Char16& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const String& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const CIMDateTime& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const CIMObjectPath& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const CIMObject& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const CIMInstance& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Array<Boolean>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Array<Uint8>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Array<Sint8>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Array<Uint16>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Array<Sint16>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Array<Uint32>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Array<Sint32>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Array<Uint64>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Array<Sint64>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Array<Real32>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Array<Real64>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Array<Char16>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Array<String>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Array<CIMDateTime>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Array<CIMObjectPath>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Array<CIMObject>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void set (const Array<CIMInstance>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
[more]void get (Boolean& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Uint8& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Sint8& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Uint16& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Sint16& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Uint32& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Sint32& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Uint64& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Sint64& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Real32& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Real64& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Char16& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (String& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (CIMDateTime& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (CIMObjectPath& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (CIMObject& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (CIMInstance& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<Boolean>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<Uint8>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<Sint8>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<Uint16>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<Sint16>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<Uint32>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<Sint32>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<Uint64>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<Sint64>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<Real32>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<Real64>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<Char16>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<String>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<CIMDateTime>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<CIMObjectPath>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<CIMObject>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<CIMInstance>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue.
[more]Boolean equal (const CIMValue& x) const
Compares with another CIMValue object for equality.
[more]String toString () const
Converts a CIMValue to a String.
[more] CIMValue (char x)
Deprecated Interface
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and type Sint8.
[more] CIMValue (const Array<char>& x)
Deprecated Interface
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and type Sint8 Array.
[more]void set (char x)
Deprecated Interface
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and type Sint8.
[more]void set (const Array<char>& x)
Deprecated Interface
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and type Sint8 Array.
[more]void get (char& x) const
Deprecated Interface
Gets the Sint8 value of the CIMValue.
[more]void get (Array<char>& x) const
Deprecated Interface
Gets the Sint8 Array value of the CIMValue.

o CIMValue()
Constructs a null CIMValue with type Boolean and isArray=false

o CIMValue(CIMType type, Boolean isArray, Uint32 arraySize = 0)
Constructs a null CIMValue object with the specified type and array indicator.
type - The CIMType of the value
- isArray A Boolean indicating whether the value is of array type
arraySize - An integer specifying the size of the array, if the CIMValue is for an array of a fixed size. This value is ignored if the isArray argument is false.

o CIMValue(Boolean x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Boolean value to assign

o CIMValue(Uint8 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Uint8 value to assign

o CIMValue(Sint8 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Sint8 value to assign

o CIMValue(Uint16 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Uint16 value to assign

o CIMValue(Sint16 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Sint16 value to assign

o CIMValue(Uint32 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Uint32 value to assign

o CIMValue(Sint32 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Sint32 value to assign

o CIMValue(Uint64 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Uint64 value to assign

o CIMValue(Sint64 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Sint64 value to assign

o CIMValue(Real32 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Real32 value to assign

o CIMValue(Real64 x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Real64 value to assign

o CIMValue(const Char16& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Char16 value to assign

o CIMValue(const String& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The String value to assign

o CIMValue(const CIMDateTime& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The CIMDateTime value to assign

o CIMValue(const CIMObjectPath& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The CIMObjectPath value to assign

o CIMValue(const CIMObject& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type. Note: The CIMObject argument is cloned to prevent subsequent modification through the shared representation model.
UninitializedObjectException If the CIMObject is uninitialized.
x - The CIMObject value to assign

o CIMValue(const CIMInstance& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type. Note: The CIMInstance argument is cloned to prevent subsequent modification through the shared representation model.
UninitializedObjectException If the CIMInstance is uninitialized.
x - The CIMInstance value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<Boolean>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Boolean Array value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<Uint8>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Uint8 Array value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<Sint8>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Sint8 Array value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<Uint16>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Uint16 Array value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<Sint16>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Sint16 Array value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<Uint32>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Uint32 Array value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<Sint32>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Sint32 Array value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<Uint64>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Uint64 Array value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<Sint64>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Sint64 Array value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<Real32>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Real32 Array value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<Real64>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Real64 Array value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<Char16>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Char16 Array value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<String>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The String Array value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<CIMDateTime>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The CIMDateTime Array value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<CIMObjectPath>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type.
x - The CIMObjectPath Array value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<CIMObject>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type. Note: The CIMObjects in the Array argument are cloned to prevent subsequent modification through the shared representation model.
UninitializedObjectException If any of the CIMObjects in the Array are uninitialized.
x - The CIMObject Array value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<CIMInstance>& x)
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and inferred type. Note: The CIMInstances in the Array argument are cloned to prevent subsequent modification through the shared representation model.
UninitializedObjectException If any of the CIMInstances in the Array are uninitialized.
x - The CIMInstance Array value to assign

o CIMValue(const CIMValue& x)
Constructs a CIMValue by copying another CIMValue object. Note: If the specified CIMValue contains CIMObject or CIMInstance objects, they are cloned to prevent subsequent modification through the shared representation model.
x - The CIMValue object to copy

o ~CIMValue()
Destructs a CIMValue object

oCIMValue& operator=(const CIMValue& x)
Assigns the value from a specified CIMValue object. Note: If the specified CIMValue contains CIMObject or CIMInstance objects, they are cloned to prevent subsequent modification through the shared representation model.
x - The CIMValue object to copy
A reference to this CIMValue object with the new assignment

ovoid assign(const CIMValue& x)
Assigns the value from a specified CIMValue object. Note: If the specified CIMValue contains CIMObject or CIMInstance objects, they are cloned to prevent subsequent modification through the shared representation model.
x - The CIMValue object to copy

ovoid clear()
Resets to a null value with type Boolean and isArray=false

oBoolean typeCompatible(const CIMValue& x) const
Compares the type and isArray attributes with a specified CIMValue.
x - The CIMValue object with which to compare
A Boolean indicating whether the CIMValue objects have the same type and isArray attribute value.

oBoolean isArray() const
Indicates whether the value is an array.
A Boolean indicating whether the value is an array.

oBoolean isNull() const
Indicates whether the value is null. A null CIMValue has a type, but no value can be retrieved from it.
A Boolean indicating whether the value is null.

oUint32 getArraySize() const
Gets the fixed array size of a CIMValue. This value is undefined for non-array values. A value of 0 is given for variable size arrays. Result is undetermined if CIMValue is null.
An integer indicating the array size.

oCIMType getType() const
Gets the value type.
A CIMType indicating the type of the value.

ovoid setNullValue(CIMType type, Boolean isArray, Uint32 arraySize = 0)
Sets the value to null with the specified type and array indicator.
type - The CIMType of the value
- isArray A Boolean indicating whether the value is of array type
arraySize - An integer specifying the size of the array, if the CIMValue is for an array of a fixed size. This value is ignored if the isArray argument is false.

ovoid set(Boolean x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Boolean value to assign

ovoid set(Uint8 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Uint8 value to assign

ovoid set(Sint8 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Sint8 value to assign

ovoid set(Uint16 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Uint16 value to assign

ovoid set(Sint16 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Sint16 value to assign

ovoid set(Uint32 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Uint32 value to assign

ovoid set(Sint32 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Sint32 value to assign

ovoid set(Uint64 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Uint64 value to assign

ovoid set(Sint64 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Sint64 value to assign

ovoid set(Real32 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Real32 value to assign

ovoid set(Real64 x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Real64 value to assign

ovoid set(const Char16& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Char16 value to assign

ovoid set(const String& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The String value to assign

ovoid set(const CIMDateTime& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The CIMDateTime value to assign

ovoid set(const CIMObjectPath& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The CIMObjectPath value to assign

ovoid set(const CIMObject& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type. Note: The CIMObject argument is cloned to prevent subsequent modification through the shared representation model.
UninitializedObjectException If the CIMObject is uninitialized.
x - The CIMObject value to assign

ovoid set(const CIMInstance& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type. Note: The CIMInstance argument is cloned to prevent subsequent modification through the shared representation model.
UninitializedObjectException If the CIMInstance is uninitialized.
x - The CIMInstance value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<Boolean>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Boolean Array value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<Uint8>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Uint8 Array value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<Sint8>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Sint8 Array value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<Uint16>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Uint16 Array value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<Sint16>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Sint16 Array value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<Uint32>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Uint32 Array value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<Sint32>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Sint32 Array value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<Uint64>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Uint64 Array value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<Sint64>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Sint64 Array value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<Real32>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Real32 Array value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<Real64>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Real64 Array value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<Char16>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The Char16 Array value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<String>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The String Array value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<CIMDateTime>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The CIMDateTime Array value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<CIMObjectPath>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type.
x - The CIMObjectPath Array value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<CIMObject>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type. Note: The CIMObjects in the Array argument are cloned to prevent subsequent modification through the shared representation model.
UninitializedObjectException If any of the CIMObjects in the Array are uninitialized.
x - The CIMObject Array value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<CIMInstance>& x)
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and inferred type. Note: The CIMInstances in the Array argument are cloned to prevent subsequent modification through the shared representation model.
UninitializedObjectException If any of the CIMInstances in the Array are uninitialized.
x - The CIMInstance Array value to assign

ovoid get(Boolean& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
             get with complete checking on type and nullness
            Boolean v;
            CIMValue value = property.getValue();
            if ((value.getType() == CIMTYPE_BOOLEAN) && (!value.isNull()))
             Set the value from property into v if the value is
             of Boolean type and !isNull(). If type incorrect, generates
             an exception.  If CIMValue is null, leaves v false. Else
             sets Boolean value from property into v.
            Boolean v = false;
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Boolean into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Uint8& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).

TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Uint8 into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Sint8& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Sint8 into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Uint16& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Uint16 into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Sint16& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Sint16 into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Uint32& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
            Uint32 v;
            CIMValue value = property.getValue();
            if ((value.getType() == CIMTYPE_SINT32) && (!value.isNull()))
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Uint32 into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Sint32& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Sint32 into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Uint64& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Uint64 into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Sint64& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Sint64 into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Real32& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Real32 into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Real64& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Real64 into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Char16& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Char16 into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(String& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output String into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(CIMDateTime& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output CIMDateTime into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(CIMObjectPath& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output CIMObjectPath into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(CIMObject& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output CIMObject into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(CIMInstance& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output CIMInstance into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Array<Boolean>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Boolean Array into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Array<Uint8>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Uint8 Array into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Array<Sint8>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Sint8 Array into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Array<Uint16>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Uint16 Array into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Array<Sint16>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Sint16 Array into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Array<Uint32>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Uint32 Array into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Array<Sint32>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Sint32 Array into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Array<Uint64>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Uint64 Array into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Array<Sint64>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Sint64 Array into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Array<Real32>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Real32 Array into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Array<Real64>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Real64 Array into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Array<Char16>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output Char16 Array into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Array<String>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output String Array into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Array<CIMDateTime>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output CIMDateTime Array into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Array<CIMObjectPath>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output CIMObjectPath Array into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Array<CIMObject>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output CIMObject Array into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

ovoid get(Array<CIMInstance>& x) const
Gets the value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is not null and may verify type to avoid the possibility of the TypeMismatchException. The output parameter x is NOT updated if the value is null (isNull() == true).
TypeMismatchException If the value type does not match the output parameter.
x - Output CIMInstance Array into which the value is stored if CIMValue state is not null.

oBoolean equal(const CIMValue& x) const
Compares with another CIMValue object for equality.
x - The CIMValue with which to compare
A Boolean indicating whether they are identical in type, array attributes, and value.

oString toString() const
Converts a CIMValue to a String. This method should only be used for diagnostic output purposes. To get an actual String value, use get(String &).
A String representation of the value.

o CIMValue(char x)
Deprecated Interface
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and type Sint8. (Note: This constructor exists solely to support binary compatibility with a previous definition of the Sint8 type.)
x - The Sint8 value to assign

o CIMValue(const Array<char>& x)
Deprecated Interface
Constructs a CIMValue with the specified value and type Sint8 Array. (Note: This constructor exists solely to support binary compatibility with a previous definition of the Sint8 type.)
x - The Sint8 Array value to assign

ovoid set(char x)
Deprecated Interface
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and type Sint8. (Note: This method exists solely to support binary compatibility with a previous definition of the Sint8 type.)
x - The value to assign

ovoid set(const Array<char>& x)
Deprecated Interface
Sets the CIMValue to the specified value and type Sint8 Array. (Note: This method exists solely to support binary compatibility with a previous definition of the Sint8 type.)
x - The Array value to assign

ovoid get(char& x) const
Deprecated Interface
Gets the Sint8 value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is of the expected type and is not null. The output parameter x is not updated if the value is null (isNull() == true). (Note: This method exists solely to support binary compatibility with a previous definition of the Sint8 type.)
x - Output variable into which the value is stored.

ovoid get(Array<char>& x) const
Deprecated Interface
Gets the Sint8 Array value of the CIMValue. The caller should first verify that the value is of the expected type and is not null. The output parameter x is not updated if the value is null (isNull() == true). (Note: This method exists solely to support binary compatibility with a previous definition of the Sint8 type.)
x - Output Array variable into which the value is stored.

This class has no child classes.
class CIMMethodRep
class CIMParameterRep
class CIMPropertyRep
class CIMQualifierRep
class CIMQualifierDeclRep
class BinaryStreamer
class XmlWriter
class SCMOClass
class SCMOInstance

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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