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Pegasus CIM Object Broker Documentation

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o Introduction
o Objectives
o Overview
o Credits
o Pegasus Architecture
   o Design Goals
   o The Broker
   o Pegasus Providers.
   o Extension Services
   o Pegasus Clients.
   o Functional Flow
o Pegasus Components
   o Component Descriptions
   o Pegasus Directory Structure
o Pegasus Utilization
   o Pegasus Availability
   o Pegasus Installation
   o Pegasus Operation
   o Pegasus CIM Clients
   o Pegasus Providers
   o Pegasus MOF Compiler
o Programming Pegasus
   o CIM Objects in Pegasus
   o CIM Object Table
   o Class Definitions
o Pegasus Interfaces
   o CIM Operations over HTTP
   o Pegasus Client Interfaces
   o Pegasus Provider Interfaces
   o Pegasus Service Extension Interfaces
   o Repository Interfaces
o Writing Providers.
o Glossary
o Pegasus Code Examples
   o Client Examples
   o Client Coding Examples
   o Provider Coding Examples
o Document References
o Pegausus FAQ
In file ../../src/Pegasus/Common/CIMInstance.h:


The CIMInstance class represents the DMTF standard CIM instance definition.


The CIMInstance class represents the DMTF standard CIM instance definition.

The CIMInstance class uses a shared representation model, such that multiple CIMInstance objects may refer to the same data copy. Assignment and copy operators create new references to the same data, not distinct copies. An update to a CIMInstance object affects all the CIMInstance objects that refer to the same data copy. The data remains valid until all the CIMInstance objects that refer to it are destructed. A separate copy of the data may be created using the clone method.


Public Methods

[more] CIMInstance ()
Constructs an uninitialized CIMInstance object.
[more] CIMInstance (const CIMInstance& x)
Constructs a CIMInstance object from the value of a specified CIMInstance object, so that both objects refer to the same data copy.
[more]explicit CIMInstance (const CIMObject& x)
Constructs a CIMInstance object from the value of a specified CIMObject object, so that both objects refer to the same data copy.
[more] CIMInstance (const CIMName& className)
Constructs a CIMInstance object with the specified class name.
[more]CIMInstance& operator= (const CIMInstance& x)
Assigns the value of the specified CIMInstance object to this object, so that both objects refer to the same data copy.
[more] ~CIMInstance ()
Destructs the CIMInstance object
[more]const CIMName& getClassName () const
Gets the class name of the instance.
[more]const CIMObjectPath& getPath () const
Gets the object path for the instance.
[more]void setPath (const CIMObjectPath & path)
Sets the object path for the instance.
[more]CIMInstance& addQualifier (const CIMQualifier& qualifier)
Adds a qualifier to the instance.
[more]Uint32 findQualifier (const CIMName& name) const
Finds a qualifier by name.
[more]CIMQualifier getQualifier (Uint32 index)
Gets the qualifier at the specified index.
[more]CIMConstQualifier getQualifier (Uint32 index) const
Gets the qualifier at the specified index.
[more]void removeQualifier (Uint32 index)
Removes a qualifier from the instance.
[more]Uint32 getQualifierCount () const
Gets the number of qualifiers in the instance.
[more]CIMInstance& addProperty (const CIMProperty& x)
Adds a property to the instance.
[more]Uint32 findProperty (const CIMName& name) const
Finds a property by name.
[more]CIMProperty getProperty (Uint32 index)
Gets the property at the specified index.
[more]CIMConstProperty getProperty (Uint32 index) const
Gets the property at the specified index.
[more]void removeProperty (Uint32 index)
Removes a property from the instance.
[more]Uint32 getPropertyCount () const
Gets the number of properties in the instance.
[more]CIMObjectPath buildPath (const CIMConstClass& cimClass) const
Builds the object path for this instance, based on the class name and property values in the instance and the Key qualifiers on the properties in the class definition.
[more]CIMInstance clone () const
Makes a deep copy of the instance.
[more]Boolean identical (const CIMConstInstance& x) const
Compares the CIMInstance with a specified CIMConstInstance.
[more]Boolean isUninitialized () const
Determines whether the object has been initialized.

o CIMInstance()
Constructs an uninitialized CIMInstance object. A method invocation on an uninitialized object will result in the throwing of an UninitializedObjectException. An uninitialized object may be converted into an initialized object only by using the assignment operator with an initialized object.

o CIMInstance(const CIMInstance& x)
Constructs a CIMInstance object from the value of a specified CIMInstance object, so that both objects refer to the same data copy.
x - The CIMInstance object from which to construct a new CIMInstance object.

oexplicit CIMInstance(const CIMObject& x)
Constructs a CIMInstance object from the value of a specified CIMObject object, so that both objects refer to the same data copy.
DynamicCastFailedException If a CIMInstance can not be created from the given CIMObject.
x - The CIMObject object from which to construct the CIMInstance object.

o CIMInstance(const CIMName& className)
Constructs a CIMInstance object with the specified class name.
className - A CIMName specifying the class name of the instance.

oCIMInstance& operator=(const CIMInstance& x)
Assigns the value of the specified CIMInstance object to this object, so that both objects refer to the same data copy.
x - The CIMInstance object from which to assign this CIMInstance object.
A reference to this CIMInstance object.

o ~CIMInstance()
Destructs the CIMInstance object

oconst CIMName& getClassName() const
Gets the class name of the instance.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
A CIMName containing the class name.

oconst CIMObjectPath& getPath() const
Gets the object path for the instance.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
A CIMObjectPath containing the object path.

ovoid setPath(const CIMObjectPath & path)
Sets the object path for the instance.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
path - A CIMObjectPath containing the object path.

oCIMInstance& addQualifier(const CIMQualifier& qualifier)
Adds a qualifier to the instance.
AlreadyExistsException If a qualifier with the same name already exists in the CIMInstance.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
qualifier - The CIMQualifier to be added.
A reference to this CIMInstance object.

oUint32 findQualifier(const CIMName& name) const
Finds a qualifier by name.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
name - A CIMName specifying the name of the qualifier to be found.
Index of the qualifier if found or PEG_NOT_FOUND if not found.

oCIMQualifier getQualifier(Uint32 index)
Gets the qualifier at the specified index.
IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is outside the range of qualifiers available for the CIMInstance.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
index - The index of the qualifier to be retrieved.
The CIMQualifier at the specified index.

oCIMConstQualifier getQualifier(Uint32 index) const
Gets the qualifier at the specified index.
IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is outside the range of qualifiers available for the CIMInstance.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
index - The index of the qualifier to be retrieved.
The CIMConstQualifier at the specified index.

ovoid removeQualifier(Uint32 index)
Removes a qualifier from the instance.
IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is outside the range of qualifiers available for the CIMInstance.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
index - The index of the qualifier to remove.

oUint32 getQualifierCount() const
Gets the number of qualifiers in the instance.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
An integer count of the qualifiers in the CIMInstance.

oCIMInstance& addProperty(const CIMProperty& x)
Adds a property to the instance.
AlreadyExistsException If a property with the same name already exists in the CIMInstance.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
x - The CIMProperty to be added.
A reference to this CIMInstance object.

oUint32 findProperty(const CIMName& name) const
Finds a property by name.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
name - A CIMName specifying the name of the property to be found.
Index of the property if found or PEG_NOT_FOUND if not found.

oCIMProperty getProperty(Uint32 index)
Gets the property at the specified index.
IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is outside the range of properties available for the CIMInstance.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
index - The index of the property to be retrieved.
The CIMProperty at the specified index.

oCIMConstProperty getProperty(Uint32 index) const
Gets the property at the specified index.
IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is outside the range of properties available for the CIMInstance.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
index - The index of the property to be retrieved.
The CIMConstProperty at the specified index.

ovoid removeProperty(Uint32 index)
Removes a property from the instance.
IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is outside the range of properties available for the CIMInstance.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
index - The index of the property to remove.

oUint32 getPropertyCount() const
Gets the number of properties in the instance.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
An integer count of the properties in the CIMInstance.

oCIMObjectPath buildPath(const CIMConstClass& cimClass) const
Builds the object path for this instance, based on the class name and property values in the instance and the Key qualifiers on the properties in the class definition. The returned object path does not include hostname and namespace attributes. Note that this method does not update the path attribute of the CIMInstance.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
A CIMObjectPath containing the object path for the instance.

oCIMInstance clone() const
Makes a deep copy of the instance. This creates a new copy of all the instance attributes including qualifiers and properties.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
A new copy of the CIMInstance object.

oBoolean identical(const CIMConstInstance& x) const
Compares the CIMInstance with a specified CIMConstInstance.
UninitializedObjectException If the object is not initialized.
x - The CIMConstInstance to be compared.
True if this instance is identical to the one specified, false otherwise.

oBoolean isUninitialized() const
Determines whether the object has been initialized.
True if the object has not been initialized, false otherwise.

This class has no child classes.
class CIMConstInstance
class CIMObject
class CIMConstObject
class Resolver
class XmlWriter
class MofWriter
class BinaryStreamer
class CIMClassRep
class SCMOInstance
class SCMOClass

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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