| CIMConstInstance ()
Constructs an uninitialized CIMConstInstance object.
| CIMConstInstance (const CIMConstInstance& x)
Constructs a CIMConstInstance object from the value of a specified CIMConstInstance object, so that both objects refer to the same data copy.
| CIMConstInstance (const CIMInstance& x)
Constructs a CIMConstInstance object from the value of a specified CIMInstance object, so that both objects refer to the same data copy.
explicit | CIMConstInstance (const CIMObject& x)
Constructs a CIMConstInstance object from the value of a specified CIMObject object, so that both objects refer to the same data copy.
explicit | CIMConstInstance (const CIMConstObject& x)
Constructs a CIMConstInstance object from the value of a specified CIMConstObject object, so that both objects refer to the same data copy.
| CIMConstInstance (const CIMName& className)
Constructs a CIMConstInstance object with the specified class name.
CIMConstInstance& | operator= (const CIMConstInstance& x)
Assigns the value of the specified CIMConstInstance object to this object, so that both objects refer to the same data copy.
CIMConstInstance& | operator= (const CIMInstance& x)
Assigns the value of the specified CIMInstance object to this object, so that both objects refer to the same data copy.
| ~CIMConstInstance ()
Destructs the CIMConstInstance object
const CIMName& | getClassName () const
Gets the class name of the instance.
const CIMObjectPath& | getPath () const
Gets the object path for the instance.
Uint32 | findQualifier (const CIMName& name) const
Finds a qualifier by name.
CIMConstQualifier | getQualifier (Uint32 index) const
Gets the qualifier at the specified index.
Uint32 | getQualifierCount () const
Gets the number of qualifiers in the instance.
Uint32 | findProperty (const CIMName& name) const
Finds a property by name.
CIMConstProperty | getProperty (Uint32 index) const
Gets the property at the specified index.
Uint32 | getPropertyCount () const
Gets the number of properties in the instance.
CIMObjectPath | buildPath (const CIMConstClass& cimClass) const
Builds the object path for this instance, based on the class name and property values in the instance and the Key qualifiers on the properties in the class definition.
CIMInstance | clone () const
Makes a deep copy of the instance.
Boolean | identical (const CIMConstInstance& x) const
Compares the CIMConstInstance with a specified CIMConstInstance.
Boolean | isUninitialized () const
Determines whether the object has been initialized.